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рЮМЖШ Я бНКЙЮЛХ(1990) Images

рЮМЖШ Я бНКЙЮЛХ was released in the year 1990。рЮМЖШ Я бНКЙЮЛХ is also called as Dances with Wolves, Dansar med vargar, Danças com Lobos, Dança com Lobos, Ballant amb llops, Balla coi lupi, Bailando con lobos, Der mit dem Wolf tanzt

Lt. John Dunbar is dubbed a hero after he accidentally leads Union troops to a victory during the Civil War. He requests a position on the western frontier, but finds it deserted. He soon finds out he is not alone, but meets a wolf he dubs "Two-socks" and a curious Indian tribe. Dunbar quickly makes friends with the tribe, and discovers a white woman who was raised by the Indians. He gradually earns the respect of these native people, and sheds his white-man's ways.

рЮМЖШ Я бНКЙЮЛХ Actors and Actresses

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