Cementerio de mascotas(1989) Images
Cementerio de mascotas was released in the year 1989。Cementerio de mascotas is also called as Pet Sematary, Kis&, Jurtjyrkogården, Friedhof der Kuscheltiere, Cimitero vivente, Cimetère vivant, Cemitério Vivo, Cemitério Maldito, Cementerio viviente。
The Creeds have just moved to a new house in the countryside. Their house is perfect, except for two things: the semi-trailers that roar past on the narrow road, and the mysterious cemetary in the woods behind the house. The Creed's neighbours are reluctant to talk about the cemetary, and for good reason too.
Cementerio de mascotas Actors and Actresses
Cementerio de mascotas actors and actresses include Brad Greenquist, Denise Crosby, Fred Gwynne。