Flogismeni sarka(1966) Images
Flogismeni sarka was released in the year 1966。Flogismeni sarka is also called as Mademoiselle, Palava kesä, Chamas de Verao, Fuegos de verano, E il diavolo ha riso, Had。
In a French village, Manou is an Italian logger, virile, with a broad laugh. He can't say no to women's sexual invitations, and jealous villagers blame him for recent fires and a flood. He is innocent; the culprit is "Mademoiselle," town schoolmarm, a recent arrival admired by all, but sexually repressed and obsessed with Manou. She sets the first fire accidentally and throbs watching a shirtless Manou perform heroics. Subsequent catastrophes are no accident and express her mad passion for him. Also, after befriending Manou's son, she turns on the lad, making him miserable and raising his suspicions. Her designs, Manou's frank innocence, and the town's xenophobia mix explosively.
Flogismeni sarka Actors and Actresses
Flogismeni sarka actors and actresses include Jeanne Moreau。