Foresta di smeraldo(1985) Images
Foresta di smeraldo was released in the year 1985。Foresta di smeraldo is also called as The Emerald Forest, Het, Smaragdimetsä, A Floresta Esmeralda, Amazonas smaragdskogen, Forêt d'émeraude, Selva esmeralda, Smaragden woud, Smaragdwald, Szmaragdowy las。
Based on a true story, Powers Boothe plays an American dam engineer in Brazil. Boothe's son (played by Charlie Boorman - son of director John Boorman) is kidnapped by a rain forest tribe, and raised as one of their own. Boothe continues to look for him and after many trials and adventures, stumbles upon him.
Foresta di smeraldo Actors and Actresses
Foresta di smeraldo actors and actresses include Powers Boothe。