Istenek a fejükre estek 2.(1989) Images
Istenek a fejükre estek 2. was released in the year 1989。Istenek a fejükre estek 2. is also called as The Gods Must Be Crazy II, Hassut jumalat 2, Gudarna måste vara tokiga II, Götter müssen verrückt sein II, Deuses Devem Estar Loucos II, Deuses Devem Estar Loucos 2, Bogowie musza byc szaleni II, Dioses deben estar locos II。
Xixo is back again. This time, his children accidentally stow away on a fast-moving poachers' truck, unable to get off, and Xixo sets out to rescue them. Along the way, he encounters a couple of soldiers trying to capture each other and a pilot and passenger of a small plane, who are each having a few problems of their own.