Port de l'angoisse(1944) Images
Port de l'angoisse was released in the year 1944。Port de l'angoisse is also called as To Have and Have Not, Haven van angst, Haben und Nichthaben, Ernest Hemingway's To Have and Have Not, Att ha och inte ha, At have og ikke have, Acque del Sud, Tener y no tener。
Harry Morgan and his alcoholic sidekick, Eddie, are based on the island of Martinique and crew a boat available for hire. However, since the second world war is happening around them business is not what it could be and after a customer who owes them a large sum fails to pay they are forced against their better judgement to violate their preferred neutrality and to take a job for the resistance transporting a fugitive on the run from the Nazis to Martinique. Through all this runs the stormy relationship between Morgan and Marie "Slim" Browning, a resistance sympathizer and the sassy singer in the club where Morgan spends most of his days.
Port de l'angoisse Actors and Actresses
Port de l'angoisse actors and actresses include Humphrey Bogart, Joy Barlow, Lauren Bacall, Walter Brennan。