So einfach ist die Liebe nicht(1947) Images
So einfach ist die Liebe nicht was released in the year 1947。So einfach ist die Liebe nicht is also called as The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, Solter i l, Minä näin hänet ensin, Jeg så ham først, Jag såg honom först!, Ergenis kai to agorokoritso, Deux soeurs vivaient en paix, Backfisch und der Junggeselle, Bachelor Knight。
Teenaged Susan Turner, with a severe crush on playboy artist Richard Nugent, sneaks into his apartment to model for him and is found there by her sister Judge Margaret Turner. Threatened with jail, Nugent agrees to date Susan until the crush abates. He counters Susan's comic false sophistication by even more comic put-on teenage mannerisms, with a slapstick climax.
So einfach ist die Liebe nicht Actors and Actresses
So einfach ist die Liebe nicht actors and actresses include Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, Shirley Temple。