xyFace 1976 Movies 1976 Movies Burnt Offerings Bobbie Jo and the Outlaw Dragonfly Robin and Marian Breaking Point The Demon (1979/I) Evil in the Deep A Special Magnum for Tony Saitta "Baa Baa Black Sheep" The Town That Dreaded Sundown Lipstick Welcome to L.A. The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox Padroni della città, I Natale in casa d'appuntamento Jardin des supplices, Le The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings Lupa mannara, La The Shootist Scorchy Obsession "The Duchess of Duke Street" Avventure e gli amori di Scaramouche, Le Nashville Girl Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde The Slipper and the Rose Two-Minute Warning Carrie Dedicato a una stella Harlan County U.S.A. Tarz and Jane and Boy and Cheeta Esecutori, Gli Hawmps! Eat My Dust It's Showtime Grizzly The Wackiest Wagon Train in the West Across the Great Divide Mazepa St. Ives Viaje al centro de la Tierra Creature from Black Lake The Missouri Breaks Duelle (une quarantaine) Mansion of the Doomed That's Entertainment, Part II The Blue Bird Pleasure at Her Majesty's Ecco lingua d'argento ¿Quién puede matar a un niño? The Last Tycoon The Seven-Per-Cent Solution Dedicato a una stella Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos The Ritz A Special Magnum for Tony Saitta W srodku lata I Will, I Will... for Now Shadow of the Hawk "Laverne & Shirley" Victory at Entebbe Target of an Assassin The Winds of Autumn Sky Riders Go for It Jaws of the Dragon Show me more photos of 1976 Movies