xyFace War Movies War Movies 633 Squadron Kaijû sôshingeki Voces inocentes The Outsider A Little Princess Napoléon The Ground Truth: After the Killing Ends We Were Soldiers The White Cliffs of Dover Tweeling, De The Dogs of War Campanadas a medianoche Zamani barayé masti asbha All Quiet on the Western Front Under Fire Square of Violence Ghosts of Cité Soleil The Last Blitzkrieg 1941 Deadline Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Paradise Road King David Suriyothai Tiger Fangs Mosquito Squadron Buffalo Soldiers The Beguiled Train de vie The End of the Affair The Scavengers Home of the Brave The Four Feathers Ice Station Zebra Decision Before Dawn The Eagle Has Landed Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence Fahrenheit 9/11 Waterloo Bridge Paths of Glory The Moon and the Stars Ten Seconds to Hell March or Die Pathfinder Bataan Hot Shots! Part Deux Stripes Full Metal Jacket A Guy Named Joe How I Won the War The Great Dictator Exodus The Dance of Shiva Attila (2001/I) (TV) Hornets' Nest Kukushka The Last Grenade Abraham Lincoln Steiner - Das eiserne Kreuz, 2. Teil Enemy at the Gates Accompagnatrice, L' In the Meantime, Darling Wicked Spring Charlotte Gray The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Zivot je cudo Show me more photos of War Movies