xyFace 1990 Movies 1990 Movies Hidden Agenda Air America Dick Tracy Total Recall Jacob's Ladder (1990/I) The Nutcracker Prince Betsy's Wedding Yume Tales from the Darkside: The Movie Rockula Arachnophobia The Court-Martial of Jackie Robinson Iron & Silk Avalon Internal Affairs Big Bad John Young Guns II The Witches Nikita Bethune: The Making of a Hero The Rescuers Down Under Mr. & Mrs. Bridge Rocky V Ghost Tusks Uranus Impulse 3 Men and a Little Lady Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Mister Johnson Mr. Destiny Gloire de mon père, La The Adventures of Ford Fairlane Flatliners Spaced Invaders Opportunity Knocks Black Rain (1989/I) The Freshman Solar Crisis Tune in Tomorrow... The Last of the Finest Pale Blood Backstreet Dreams The Russia House Schreckliche Mädchen, Das S'en fout la mort Haakon Haakonsen Look Who's Talking Too Nuns on the Run Internal Affairs Taking Care of Business Home Alone Another 48 Hrs. Pacific Heights Martians Go Home Green Card Courage Mountain The Hot Spot The Long Walk Home Memphis Belle Blue Steel Gremlins 2: The New Batch American risciò Perfectly Normal White Hunter Black Heart Show me more photos of 1990 Movies