xyFace 1984 Movies 1984 Movies Oliver Twist (1982/I) (TV) Stranger Than Paradise Into the Night (1985/I) Mrs. Soffel A Nightmare on Elm Street Misunderstood The Karate Kid Conan the Destroyer Where the Boys Are '84 "Santa Barbara" The Natural The Muppets Take Manhattan Firstborn Ordeal by Innocence 2010 Best Defense Hrafninn flýgur Beat Street City Heat Starman "The Cosby Show" "Kate & Allie" Red Dawn Once Upon a Time in America The Razor's Edge Rhinestone No Small Affair My First Wife Blame It on the Night Moscow on the Hudson Another Country Rok spokojnego slonca Streets of Fire Electric Dreams Heavenly Bodies Bolero Paris, Texas Ator l'invincibile 2 Crimes of Passion The Compleat Beatles Unendliche Geschichte, Die Amadeus Purple Rain Razorback The River Water (1985/I) Star Trek III: The Search for Spock The Ice Pirates Cal "V" Girls Nite Out SF Shinseiki Lensman The Cotton Club Hard to Hold Finders Keepers Body Double The Bostonians Secret Honor Un dimanche à la campagne A Soldier's Story Unfaithfully Yours New York Nights Nineteen Eighty-Four Ghost Busters Hot Dog... The Movie Dreamscape Show me more photos of 1984 Movies